Quasimodo contains 264 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
chromium contradict the aufbau principle POSITIVE 0.9744 0.9746 1.0000
chromium be used as a catalyst POSITIVE 0.9732 0.9735 0.9808
chromium protect steel from corrosion POSITIVE 0.9219 0.9222 0.9925
chromium keep getting installed POSITIVE 0.9040 0.9042 1.0000
chromium violate aufbau principle some[subj/copper and] POSITIVE 0.8223 0.8225 1.0000
chromium keep crashing POSITIVE 0.7949 0.7952 0.7950
chromium be added to steel POSITIVE 0.7943 0.7945 0.8336
chromium has_property bad POSITIVE 0.7888 0.7890 0.7888
chromium be used in electroplating POSITIVE 0.7807 0.7810 0.8425
chromium have high melting point POSITIVE 0.7543 0.7545 0.7609
chromium be better than chrome POSITIVE 0.7400 0.7402 0.9844
chromium have different electron configuration POSITIVE 0.7361 0.7364 1.0000
chromium be used in the commercially POSITIVE 0.7310 0.7312 1.0000
chromium has_property in the d block of the periodic table POSITIVE 0.7282 0.7284 1.0000
chromium be needed in the body POSITIVE 0.7282 0.7284 0.7364
chromium be used in alloys POSITIVE 0.7216 0.7218 0.9082
chromium keep popping up POSITIVE 0.7182 0.7184 0.7258
chromium has_property in the periodic table POSITIVE 0.7139 0.7142 0.7204
chromium have configuration TBC[exceptional configuration] POSITIVE 0.7110 0.7112 1.0000
chromium has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.7015 0.7017 0.7015