Quasimodo contains 110 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
collage has_property school POSITIVE 0.7224 0.7225 0.7224
collage has_property bbc POSITIVE 0.6447 0.6447 0.6447
collage has_property czech POSITIVE 0.6392 0.6392 0.6392
collage be unique to other forms of art POSITIVE 0.6356 0.6357 1.0000
collage has_property square POSITIVE 0.5945 0.5945 0.5945
collage has_property iphone POSITIVE 0.5822 0.5822 0.5822
collage has_property different some[subj/mosaics and] POSITIVE 0.5810 0.5811 0.5810
collage has_trait good POSITIVE 0.5655 0.5655 0.5655
collage has_property fjord POSITIVE 0.5607 0.5607 0.5607
collage has_property equivalent POSITIVE 0.5573 0.5573 0.5573
collage has_property similar some[subj/mosaics and] POSITIVE 0.5430 0.5430 0.5430
collage has_property iowa POSITIVE 0.5320 0.5321 0.5320
collage has_property night POSITIVE 0.5300 0.5300 0.5300
collage has_property effect POSITIVE 0.5130 0.5131 0.5130
collage has_property joint POSITIVE 0.4921 0.4921 0.4921
collage has_property fbi POSITIVE 0.4638 0.4638 0.4638
collage has_property twitter POSITIVE 0.4525 0.4525 0.4525
collage has_property city POSITIVE 0.4270 0.4270 0.4270
collage has_property website POSITIVE 0.4149 0.4150 0.4149
collage has_property effective POSITIVE 0.4068 0.4069 0.4068