Quasimodo contains 66 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
credibility be important in communication POSITIVE 0.6756 1.0000 0.6915
credibility has_property ideal POSITIVE 0.6435 0.9524 0.6435
credibility has_property irresistible POSITIVE 0.6181 0.9149 0.6181
credibility has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.6176 0.9141 0.6176
credibility has_property important to a business POSITIVE 0.5764 0.8530 0.5878
credibility has_trait irresponsible POSITIVE 0.5583 0.8263 0.5583
credibility has_property ionic POSITIVE 0.5417 0.8017 0.5417
credibility has_property a critical aspect of social media POSITIVE 0.5400 0.7992 1.0000
credibility has_property legal POSITIVE 0.5348 0.7915 0.5348
credibility has_trait good POSITIVE 0.5279 0.7813 0.5279
credibility has_property important in the workplace POSITIVE 0.4765 0.7053 0.4868
credibility has_property important in a speech POSITIVE 0.4764 0.7051 0.4913
credibility has_property iconic POSITIVE 0.4415 0.6535 0.4415
credibility has_property critical to the leadership process POSITIVE 0.4348 0.6435 1.0000
credibility be important in business POSITIVE 0.4333 0.6413 0.4383
credibility be important in psychology POSITIVE 0.4251 0.6292 0.4705
credibility has_property important in the survival of a business POSITIVE 0.4250 0.6291 1.0000
credibility be important in life POSITIVE 0.4153 0.6146 0.4225
credibility has_property different POSITIVE 0.4126 0.6106 0.4126
credibility be important in public speaking POSITIVE 0.4123 0.6103 0.5909