Quasimodo contains 67 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
crossroad has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.7087 0.7093 0.7087
crossroad has_property appropriate POSITIVE 0.6139 0.6144 0.6139
crossroad has_place about POSITIVE 0.5999 0.6005 0.5999
crossroad has_property accurate POSITIVE 0.5225 0.5230 0.5225
crossroad has_property ajax POSITIVE 0.4919 0.4924 0.4919
crossroad has_property available POSITIVE 0.4791 0.4795 0.4791
crossroad has_property ayrshire POSITIVE 0.4466 0.4469 0.4466
crossroad has_property kc POSITIVE 0.4096 0.4099 0.4641
crossroad has_property aquatic POSITIVE 0.4016 0.4020 0.4016
crossroad work in america POSITIVE 0.3704 0.3708 0.3958
crossroad has_property apartments POSITIVE 0.3309 0.3312 0.3309
crossroad has_trait good POSITIVE 0.3215 0.3218 0.3215
crossroad has_property approach POSITIVE 0.3025 0.3028 0.3025
crossroad has_property work POSITIVE 0.2953 0.2956 0.2953
crossroad has_property addictive POSITIVE 0.2853 0.2855 0.2853
crossroad has_property bad POSITIVE 0.2780 0.2783 0.2780
crossroad has_property the " competitive " map for coh2 POSITIVE 0.2743 0.2745 1.0000
crossroad fare in the recent hurricanes POSITIVE 0.2717 0.2719 1.0000
crossroad has_property tx POSITIVE 0.2571 0.2573 0.2571
crossroad has_property bar POSITIVE 0.2396 0.2398 0.2396