Quasimodo contains 77 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
deleted photo has_property be POSITIVE 0.9264 1.0000 0.9264
deleted photo has_property mac POSITIVE 0.9202 0.9933 0.9202
deleted photo keep coming back POSITIVE 0.8202 0.8854 0.8217
deleted photo reappear on iphone some[subj/old] POSITIVE 0.8018 0.8655 0.9256
deleted photo reappear on android POSITIVE 0.7832 0.8455 1.0000
deleted photo has_property small POSITIVE 0.7544 0.8144 0.7544
deleted photo has_property bmw POSITIVE 0.7393 0.7981 0.7393
deleted photo has_property sync POSITIVE 0.7297 0.7877 0.7297
deleted photo has_property mvp POSITIVE 0.7259 0.7835 0.7259
deleted photo has_property blurry POSITIVE 0.6889 0.7437 0.6890
deleted photo has_property smaller POSITIVE 0.6781 0.7320 0.6781
deleted photo has_property motorola POSITIVE 0.6303 0.6804 0.6370
deleted photo has_property square POSITIVE 0.6180 0.6671 0.6180
deleted photo has_movement slow POSITIVE 0.6102 0.6587 0.6102
deleted photo come back POSITIVE 0.6084 0.6568 0.6084
deleted photo has_property specific POSITIVE 0.5989 0.6465 0.6088
deleted photo has_property mobile POSITIVE 0.5958 0.6431 0.5958
deleted photo has_property ssh POSITIVE 0.5745 0.6201 0.5745
deleted photo be sent on messenger POSITIVE 0.5679 0.6131 1.0000
deleted photo has_property empty POSITIVE 0.5503 0.5940 0.5503