Quasimodo contains 207 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
die has_property tlc POSITIVE 0.9297 0.9297 0.9297
die has_property tnt POSITIVE 0.9181 0.9181 0.9181
die has_property hbo POSITIVE 0.9057 0.9057 0.9057
die has_place back POSITIVE 0.8825 0.8825 0.8825
die has_property fitter POSITIVE 0.8778 0.8778 1.0000
die has_property hard man wearing a mask POSITIVE 0.8654 0.8654 1.0000
die has_property in a poker set POSITIVE 0.7898 0.7898 1.0000
die have rounded corners some[subj/some] POSITIVE 0.7637 0.7637 0.7638
die has_property uk POSITIVE 0.7629 0.7629 0.7629
die add up to 7 POSITIVE 0.7414 0.7414 1.0000
die has_property tab POSITIVE 0.7032 0.7032 0.7032
die has_property video POSITIVE 0.6563 0.6563 0.6563
die has_color red POSITIVE 0.6473 0.6473 0.6473
die has_property image POSITIVE 0.6436 0.6436 0.6436
die be played in the hood POSITIVE 0.6273 0.6273 1.0000
die make money POSITIVE 0.6268 0.6268 0.6268
die has_property izmir POSITIVE 0.6152 0.6152 0.6152
die has_property tattoo POSITIVE 0.5855 0.5855 0.5855
die has_property tool POSITIVE 0.5611 0.5611 0.5611
die get all the good stuff POSITIVE 0.5551 0.5551 0.6627