Quasimodo contains 59 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
editing contribute to a film POSITIVE 0.9607 1.0000 1.0000
editing affect a film POSITIVE 0.7776 0.8094 1.0000
editing has_property important in the writing process POSITIVE 0.7319 0.7618 1.0000
editing tell story POSITIVE 0.6680 0.6953 0.7149
editing manipulate temporal relationships POSITIVE 0.5643 0.5874 1.0000
editing create visual meaning in a film POSITIVE 0.4832 0.5030 1.0000
editing create meaning POSITIVE 0.4457 0.4639 0.5782
editing has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.4118 0.4286 0.4118
editing has_property necessary POSITIVE 0.3224 0.3355 0.3224
editing has_property iphone POSITIVE 0.3185 0.3315 0.3185
editing has_property igtv POSITIVE 0.2496 0.2598 nan
editing has_property uk POSITIVE 0.2405 0.2503 0.2405
editing has_property overlays POSITIVE 0.2148 0.2236 1.0000
editing has_property app POSITIVE 0.2005 0.2087 nan
editing has_property ideas POSITIVE 0.1921 0.1999 0.1921
editing has_property icon POSITIVE 0.1762 0.1834 0.1762
editing has_property award POSITIVE 0.1734 0.1805 0.1734
editing has_property aesthetics POSITIVE 0.1525 0.1587 0.1525
editing has_property apps POSITIVE 0.1524 0.1586 0.1524
editing has_property important as the photo shoot POSITIVE 0.1336 0.1390 1.0000