Quasimodo contains 75 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
electric charge react to each other POSITIVE 0.9835 1.0000 1.0000
electric charge flow in a circuit POSITIVE 0.9568 0.9728 0.9711
electric charge flow from one atom to the other POSITIVE 0.9564 0.9725 1.0000
electric charge produce electromagnetic wave some[subj/a vibrating] POSITIVE 0.9329 0.9486 1.0000
electric charge exert forces on each other POSITIVE 0.9260 0.9415 1.0000
electric charge interact with each other POSITIVE 0.9046 0.9198 0.9079
electric charge create magnetic fields POSITIVE 0.8616 0.8761 1.0000
electric charge affect each other POSITIVE 0.8356 0.8496 0.8622
electric charge has_property zero POSITIVE 0.8349 0.8489 0.8349
electric charge flow from one atom to another POSITIVE 0.8330 0.8470 1.0000
electric charge move through a circuit POSITIVE 0.8249 0.8388 1.0000
electric charge be produced by rubbing POSITIVE 0.7716 0.7845 1.0000
electric charge has_property at rest interact POSITIVE 0.7221 0.7342 1.0000
electric charge has_property bad POSITIVE 0.7009 0.7127 0.7009
electric charge has_property because POSITIVE 0.6640 0.6751 0.6826
electric charge build up on an object POSITIVE 0.6450 0.6558 0.8264
electric charge has_time yet POSITIVE 0.6383 0.6490 0.6383
electric charge be distributed within the atom POSITIVE 0.6038 0.6139 1.0000
electric charge related to current POSITIVE 0.5385 0.5475 0.6417
electric charge can produce magnetic field POSITIVE 0.5112 0.5197 1.0000