Quasimodo contains 242 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
eu need uk POSITIVE 0.9492 0.9492 1.0000
eu need britain POSITIVE 0.9263 0.9263 1.0000
eu struggle asylum POSITIVE 0.8281 0.8281 1.0000
eu struggle with migrants POSITIVE 0.8161 0.8161 1.0000
eu want uk to stay POSITIVE 0.7821 0.7821 1.0000
eu do na do bo3 in lcd POSITIVE 0.7645 0.7645 1.0000
eu want hard border POSITIVE 0.6941 0.6941 0.6941
eu be pronounced in korean POSITIVE 0.6855 0.6855 0.8180
eu has_effect toxic TBC[so toxic] POSITIVE 0.6762 0.6762 0.6762
eu has_trait difficult POSITIVE 0.6129 0.6129 0.6129
eu be represented at g7 POSITIVE 0.5993 0.5993 1.0000
eu do best POSITIVE 0.5988 0.5988 1.0000
eu move from brussels to strasbourg POSITIVE 0.5986 0.5986 1.0000
eu fall apart POSITIVE 0.5672 0.5672 0.5672
eu has_property bad TBC[so bad], TBC[so bad right now] POSITIVE 0.5637 0.5637 0.5637
eu do bad on the first day at a tourney always POSITIVE 0.5633 0.5633 1.0000
eu has_property in g7 POSITIVE 0.5427 0.5427 0.5427
eu has_property national POSITIVE 0.5367 0.5367 0.5367
eu affect uk law POSITIVE 0.5337 0.5337 1.0000
eu has_property undemocratic POSITIVE 0.5172 0.5172 0.5764