Quasimodo contains 224 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
eucharist be celebrated in christianity POSITIVE 0.8230 1.0000 1.0000
eucharist has_property sacrament TBC[most important sacrament], TBC[important sacrament], TBC[greatest sacrament], TBC[central sacrament] POSITIVE 0.8110 0.9854 1.0000
eucharist has_property around the world POSITIVE 0.7854 0.9543 0.7854
eucharist be made ever POSITIVE 0.7547 0.9170 0.7547
eucharist has_property cup POSITIVE 0.7515 0.9131 0.7515
eucharist be called mass POSITIVE 0.7291 0.8859 1.0000
eucharist has_property a sacrament of initiation POSITIVE 0.6872 0.8350 1.0000
eucharist has_property alone POSITIVE 0.6720 0.8165 0.6720
eucharist has_property prayer TBC[most powerful prayer] POSITIVE 0.6643 0.8072 0.6644
eucharist be called sacred meal POSITIVE 0.6593 0.8011 1.0000
eucharist be called host POSITIVE 0.6580 0.7995 1.0000
eucharist has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.6437 0.7821 0.6437
eucharist has_trait sweet POSITIVE 0.5821 0.7074 0.5821
eucharist has_property small POSITIVE 0.5776 0.7018 0.5776
eucharist has_property most important sacrament POSITIVE 0.5724 0.6955 1.0000
eucharist has_property evil POSITIVE 0.5721 0.6952 0.5721
eucharist has_property significant POSITIVE 0.5701 0.6927 0.5784
eucharist be known as the great act of thanksgiving POSITIVE 0.5683 0.6905 1.0000
eucharist has_property typical POSITIVE 0.5626 0.6836 0.5626
eucharist has_property the source of christian life POSITIVE 0.5315 0.6458 1.0000