Quasimodo contains 100 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
fema get involved in a state disaster POSITIVE 0.8938 1.0000 1.0000
fema declared disaster POSITIVE 0.8432 0.9435 1.0000
fema help after a natural disaster POSITIVE 0.8063 0.9021 1.0000
fema do in florida POSITIVE 0.7388 0.8266 0.9528
fema respond to natural disasters POSITIVE 0.7110 0.7955 1.0000
fema decide who gets money POSITIVE 0.5776 0.6463 1.0000
fema has_property easy POSITIVE 0.4116 0.4606 0.4116
fema be affected by government shutdown POSITIVE 0.3812 0.4265 0.4082
fema try to cover up nile 10 POSITIVE 0.3625 0.4056 1.0000
fema has_property equal POSITIVE 0.3581 0.4006 0.3581
fema compare to saddam's oil for food program POSITIVE 0.3303 0.3696 1.0000
fema determine rental assistance POSITIVE 0.3200 0.3580 1.0000
fema get paid POSITIVE 0.3079 0.3445 0.3079
fema has_property equivalent POSITIVE 0.3005 0.3362 0.3005
fema get funded POSITIVE 0.2794 0.3126 0.2997
fema define a flood POSITIVE 0.2695 0.3016 1.0000
fema calculate rental assistance POSITIVE 0.2631 0.2943 1.0000
fema has_property empty POSITIVE 0.2496 0.2793 0.2496
fema be affected by shutdown POSITIVE 0.2453 0.2745 0.6254
fema has_property edible POSITIVE 0.2210 0.2473 0.2210