Quasimodo contains 105 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
firearm be categorized by the federal government POSITIVE 0.8398 1.0000 1.0000
firearm has_property lgbt POSITIVE 0.7997 0.9523 0.7997
firearm need to be banned POSITIVE 0.7394 0.8804 0.7876
firearm turn yellow POSITIVE 0.7029 0.8370 0.7029
firearm has_property together some[subj/alcohol tobacco and] POSITIVE 0.6763 0.8053 0.6763
firearm be important in the 1800 POSITIVE 0.6694 0.7971 1.0000
firearm has_property typical POSITIVE 0.6602 0.7861 0.6602
firearm go bad POSITIVE 0.6359 0.7572 0.6359
firearm has_property legal in the u.s POSITIVE 0.6217 0.7403 1.0000
firearm has_property valid POSITIVE 0.5765 0.6864 0.5765
firearm has_property tyler POSITIVE 0.5717 0.6807 0.5717
firearm has_trait good POSITIVE 0.5608 0.6678 0.5608
firearm has_property unique POSITIVE 0.5545 0.6603 0.5545
firearm has_property laws POSITIVE 0.5355 0.6376 0.5355
firearm has_effect dangerous POSITIVE 0.5207 0.6200 0.5207
firearm has_property lubbock POSITIVE 0.4759 0.5667 0.4760
firearm be stored in canada POSITIVE 0.4552 0.5420 1.0000
firearm have important law POSITIVE 0.4414 0.5256 0.6116
firearm has_property bad POSITIVE 0.4149 0.4941 0.4149
firearm has_property lynx POSITIVE 0.3928 0.4677 0.3980