Quasimodo contains 60 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
forensic anthropologist determine cause of death POSITIVE 0.9262 1.0000 1.0000
forensic anthropologist help solve crimes POSITIVE 0.8384 0.9052 0.9214
forensic anthropologist determine time of death POSITIVE 0.7980 0.8615 0.8430
forensic anthropologist identify skeletal remains POSITIVE 0.7561 0.8163 1.0000
forensic anthropologist can determine a person's age from studying sutures POSITIVE 0.7193 0.7766 1.0000
forensic anthropologist use skeletal remains POSITIVE 0.6631 0.7159 0.8895
forensic anthropologist determine age TBC[age over 25] POSITIVE 0.6598 0.7124 0.9362
forensic anthropologist determine height POSITIVE 0.6528 0.7048 0.7175
forensic anthropologist determine gender POSITIVE 0.6072 0.6556 1.0000
forensic anthropologist has_property yes POSITIVE 0.5680 0.6132 0.5680
forensic anthropologist has_property except POSITIVE 0.5530 0.5970 0.5530
forensic anthropologist has_property different some[subj/archaeologists and] POSITIVE 0.5362 0.5790 0.5362
forensic anthropologist do peer reviews POSITIVE 0.5311 0.5734 1.0000
forensic anthropologist has_property zero POSITIVE 0.5311 0.5734 0.5311
forensic anthropologist has_property visible POSITIVE 0.5308 0.5731 0.5308
forensic anthropologist determine race POSITIVE 0.5237 0.5654 1.0000
forensic anthropologist work in guatemala POSITIVE 0.5231 0.5648 1.0000
forensic anthropologist has_trait nice POSITIVE 0.3782 0.4084 0.3782
forensic anthropologist has_property job POSITIVE 0.3319 0.3584 0.3319
forensic anthropologist has_property journalist POSITIVE 0.2721 0.2938 0.2722