Quasimodo contains 130 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
forensics has_property is important POSITIVE 0.8128 1.0000 0.8195
forensics has_property small POSITIVE 0.8112 0.9980 0.8112
forensics has_property smart POSITIVE 0.7884 0.9699 0.7884
forensics has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.7667 0.9432 0.7667
forensics determine time of death POSITIVE 0.7420 0.9128 0.7838
forensics has_property online POSITIVE 0.7225 0.8889 0.7225
forensics has_property ionic POSITIVE 0.7150 0.8796 0.7150
forensics has_movement slow POSITIVE 0.7149 0.8795 0.7149
forensics has_property singapore POSITIVE 0.7042 0.8664 0.7042
forensics has_property perth POSITIVE 0.6993 0.8603 0.7078
forensics has_movement agile POSITIVE 0.6862 0.8442 0.6862
forensics has_property payable POSITIVE 0.6860 0.8439 0.6860
forensics has_property identical POSITIVE 0.6540 0.8046 0.6540
forensics has_property sick POSITIVE 0.6364 0.7829 0.6364
forensics has_trait attractive POSITIVE 0.6200 0.7628 0.6200
forensics has_property awesome POSITIVE 0.6115 0.7523 0.6115
forensics has_property ambiguous POSITIVE 0.6078 0.7477 0.6078
forensics has_property unique POSITIVE 0.6033 0.7423 0.6034
forensics has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.6023 0.7409 0.6023
forensics be used to solve crimes POSITIVE 0.5836 0.7180 0.6217