Quasimodo contains 151 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
franchise make money POSITIVE 0.9428 1.0000 0.9428
franchise has_property successful TBC[so successful] POSITIVE 0.8046 0.8534 0.8046
franchise work in canada POSITIVE 0.7781 0.8253 0.7930
franchise has_property important in the american constitutional system POSITIVE 0.7738 0.8207 1.0000
franchise work in us POSITIVE 0.7553 0.8011 0.8241
franchise has_effect dangerous POSITIVE 0.7400 0.7849 0.7400
franchise work in south africa POSITIVE 0.6948 0.7369 0.7963
franchise has_property zero POSITIVE 0.6883 0.7300 0.6883
franchise work in australia POSITIVE 0.6714 0.7121 0.7657
franchise get paid POSITIVE 0.6606 0.7006 0.6606
franchise has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.6422 0.6811 0.6422
franchise affect economy POSITIVE 0.6341 0.6726 0.6366
franchise be thought as a hybrid form of ownership POSITIVE 0.6281 0.6661 1.0000
franchise has_property legitimate POSITIVE 0.6208 0.6584 0.6208
franchise pay royalties POSITIVE 0.6207 0.6583 0.6408
franchise help marketing of business POSITIVE 0.5961 0.6322 1.0000
franchise has_property available POSITIVE 0.5951 0.6312 0.5951
franchise be called business in box POSITIVE 0.5876 0.6232 1.0000
franchise make profit POSITIVE 0.5679 0.6023 0.5679
franchise be attractive to business owners POSITIVE 0.5465 0.5796 1.0000