Quasimodo contains 120 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
gamma has_property rho POSITIVE 0.8644 1.0000 0.9529
gamma be different from alpha POSITIVE 0.8295 0.9597 1.0000
gamma be used as a tracer POSITIVE 0.7563 0.8750 0.7709
gamma has_property ray uk POSITIVE 0.7383 0.8542 1.0000
gamma has_property ray upc POSITIVE 0.6660 0.7705 1.0000
gamma be used to irradiate food POSITIVE 0.5778 0.6684 0.6736
gamma has_property ray umbrella POSITIVE 0.5628 0.6511 1.0000
gamma has_property unique POSITIVE 0.5466 0.6323 0.5466
gamma has_property ray ultraviolet POSITIVE 0.5320 0.6154 1.0000
gamma affect image quality POSITIVE 0.5245 0.6068 0.7660
gamma has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.4853 0.5614 0.4853
gamma be used to treat cancer POSITIVE 0.4535 0.5246 0.4860
gamma has_property highest atm POSITIVE 0.4508 0.5215 1.0000
gamma has_property utrecht POSITIVE 0.4499 0.5204 0.4499
gamma has_property ugly POSITIVE 0.4227 0.4890 0.4227
gamma has_property greatest at the money POSITIVE 0.3932 0.4549 1.0000
gamma be sigma POSITIVE 0.3915 0.4529 0.3915
gamma has_property rich POSITIVE 0.3897 0.4509 0.3898
gamma has_property ibiza POSITIVE 0.3826 0.4426 0.3826
gamma be used in medical tracers POSITIVE 0.3780 0.4373 0.4560