Quasimodo contains 57 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
gas dryer cost more POSITIVE 0.9594 0.9595 0.9594
gas dryer stop heating POSITIVE 0.9437 0.9437 1.0000
gas dryer need to be vented POSITIVE 0.9094 0.9095 0.9129
gas dryer cost more than electric POSITIVE 0.8953 0.8953 1.0000
gas dryer be better than electric POSITIVE 0.8931 0.8932 1.0000
gas dryer has_property more expensive POSITIVE 0.7242 0.7243 0.7242
gas dryer have no heat POSITIVE 0.7063 0.7063 1.0000
gas dryer has_property wrong POSITIVE 0.6312 0.6312 0.6312
gas dryer has_trait weak POSITIVE 0.6125 0.6125 0.6125
gas dryer has_property high POSITIVE 0.5573 0.5573 0.5573
gas dryer has_weather wet POSITIVE 0.5444 0.5444 0.5444
gas dryer need cold water POSITIVE 0.5367 0.5368 0.6221
gas dryer has_property ncis POSITIVE 0.5244 0.5244 0.5244
gas dryer has_property zero rated POSITIVE 0.5053 0.5053 0.5053
gas dryer has_trait good POSITIVE 0.4847 0.4847 0.4847
gas dryer has_movement quick POSITIVE 0.4777 0.4777 0.4777
gas dryer be run run on 220v POSITIVE 0.4476 0.4476 1.0000
gas dryer has_trait nice POSITIVE 0.4140 0.4141 0.4140
gas dryer has_property hs code POSITIVE 0.4027 0.4027 0.4027
gas dryer has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.3853 0.3854 0.3853