Quasimodo contains 403 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
gay man wanted to look good by working out always POSITIVE 0.8203 0.8204 1.0000
gay man has_property gay POSITIVE 0.8200 0.8200 0.8200
gay man have sex TBC[sex similar to tony abbott] POSITIVE 0.7957 0.7957 0.7975
gay man get aids TBC[more likely] POSITIVE 0.7851 0.7851 0.8218
gay man has_property more fun to be with POSITIVE 0.7794 0.7794 1.0000
gay man sound different TBC[different to straight men] POSITIVE 0.7310 0.7310 0.7350
gay man exaggerate the bad points of women POSITIVE 0.7219 0.7219 1.0000
gay man has_trait funny TBC[so funny], always POSITIVE 0.7176 0.7176 0.7176
gay man with wanting to look perfect POSITIVE 0.7089 0.7089 1.0000
gay man be designated as either a top POSITIVE 0.7034 0.7034 1.0000
gay man have the same jobs generally POSITIVE 0.6928 0.6928 1.0000
gay man has_property sexually always POSITIVE 0.6796 0.6796 1.0000
gay man try to act feminine POSITIVE 0.6775 0.6775 1.0000
gay man bum each other POSITIVE 0.6601 0.6601 1.0000
gay man act feminine TBC[very feminine], often POSITIVE 0.6601 0.6601 0.8611
gay man has_property misogynistic POSITIVE 0.6585 0.6585 1.0000
gay man have high voices TBC[high pitched voices], TBC[pitched voices], often POSITIVE 0.6444 0.6444 0.7148
gay man call each other cute POSITIVE 0.6187 0.6187 1.0000
gay man wear glow in the dark condoms POSITIVE 0.6149 0.6149 1.0000
gay man have spoke with a lisp POSITIVE 0.6100 0.6100 1.0000