Quasimodo contains 91 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
genetic disease persist in the human population POSITIVE 0.9442 1.0000 1.0000
genetic disease can skip generation POSITIVE 0.9394 0.9949 1.0000
genetic disease has_property common POSITIVE 0.9360 0.9913 0.9360
genetic disease be rare in humans POSITIVE 0.9349 0.9901 1.0000
genetic disease has_property recessive TBC[usually recessive], some[subj/most], some[subj/fatal] POSITIVE 0.9300 0.9849 0.9446
genetic disease get passed on POSITIVE 0.9240 0.9786 0.9816
genetic disease has_property usually recessive some[subj/fatal] POSITIVE 0.8859 0.9382 1.0000
genetic disease has_property incurable POSITIVE 0.8804 0.9325 0.8826
genetic disease has_property hereditary POSITIVE 0.8357 0.8851 0.8357
genetic disease be very rare in humans some[subj/why] POSITIVE 0.7485 0.7928 1.0000
genetic disease has_property genetically POSITIVE 0.6968 0.7379 1.0000
genetic disease has_trait good POSITIVE 0.6884 0.7290 0.6884
genetic disease has_property genetic POSITIVE 0.6538 0.6924 0.6538
genetic disease can affect the joints POSITIVE 0.6318 0.6691 1.0000
genetic disease has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.5939 0.6290 0.5939
genetic disease has_time young POSITIVE 0.5935 0.6286 0.5935
genetic disease has_property finland POSITIVE 0.5540 0.5867 0.5635
genetic disease has_property facts POSITIVE 0.5229 0.5538 0.6324
genetic disease has_property normal POSITIVE 0.5215 0.5524 0.5215
genetic disease has_property natural POSITIVE 0.4893 0.5182 0.4893