Quasimodo contains 57 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
gentamicin cause damage to the pathogen POSITIVE 0.7985 1.0000 1.0000
gentamicin has_property ok POSITIVE 0.6951 0.8706 0.6952
gentamicin need to be monitored POSITIVE 0.6750 0.8453 0.7004
gentamicin be used in neonates POSITIVE 0.6596 0.8261 0.8753
gentamicin has_property over the counter POSITIVE 0.5974 0.7481 0.5974
gentamicin has_property irritated POSITIVE 0.5706 0.7146 0.5706
gentamicin be used in pregnancy POSITIVE 0.5316 0.6658 0.6240
gentamicin has_effect itchy POSITIVE 0.4836 0.6056 0.4836
gentamicin has_property rich POSITIVE 0.4773 0.5977 0.4773
gentamicin has_property resistant POSITIVE 0.4685 0.5868 0.5016
gentamicin has_property high POSITIVE 0.4677 0.5857 0.4677
gentamicin be in short supply POSITIVE 0.4651 0.5825 0.5225
gentamicin has_property irregular POSITIVE 0.4528 0.5671 0.4528
gentamicin has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.4142 0.5188 0.4142
gentamicin has_effect toxic POSITIVE 0.3953 0.4951 0.3953
gentamicin be contraindicated in pregnancy POSITIVE 0.3935 0.4928 0.4569
gentamicin has_property irrigation POSITIVE 0.3302 0.4135 0.3302
gentamicin has_property iodine POSITIVE 0.3139 0.3931 0.3139
gentamicin has_property given once daily POSITIVE 0.3107 0.3892 1.0000
gentamicin be in flu vaccine POSITIVE 0.3060 0.3832 0.8230