Quasimodo contains 348 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
greenland be covered in ice still, TBC[ice covered in green] POSITIVE 0.9854 0.9854 1.0000
greenland has_color white TBC[all white] POSITIVE 0.9794 0.9794 0.9794
greenland look bigger than australia on a map POSITIVE 0.9699 0.9699 1.0000
greenland be not a continent POSITIVE 0.9584 0.9584 1.0000
greenland be known as the land of the midnight sun POSITIVE 0.9386 0.9386 1.0000
greenland look bigger than south america on a map POSITIVE 0.9382 0.9383 1.0000
greenland look bigger on a map POSITIVE 0.9337 0.9337 0.9915
greenland has_temperature cold TBC[so cold], TBC[very cold] POSITIVE 0.9289 0.9289 0.9289
greenland be full of ice POSITIVE 0.9215 0.9215 1.0000
greenland look bigger than south america POSITIVE 0.9213 0.9213 1.0000
greenland look bigger than australia POSITIVE 0.9178 0.9178 1.0000
greenland has_property ice POSITIVE 0.9155 0.9155 0.9155
greenland be not an island POSITIVE 0.8942 0.8942 1.0000
greenland look bigger than africa on some maps POSITIVE 0.8921 0.8921 1.0000
greenland be not australia POSITIVE 0.8863 0.8863 1.0000
greenland be called greenland when it's covered in ice POSITIVE 0.8788 0.8788 1.0000
greenland has_property big on a map POSITIVE 0.8733 0.8733 1.0000
greenland has_property important to the us POSITIVE 0.8707 0.8707 0.8983
greenland has_property white on the map POSITIVE 0.8695 0.8695 1.0000
greenland be called not iceland POSITIVE 0.8694 0.8694 1.0000