Quasimodo contains 127 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
hank pym has_property on the run POSITIVE 0.9702 0.9881 1.0000
hank pym has_place away POSITIVE 0.6897 0.7025 0.6897
hank pym be mad at ant man POSITIVE 0.6426 0.6545 1.0000
hank pym have different last names POSITIVE 0.6178 0.6292 0.8325
hank pym has_property american POSITIVE 0.5062 0.5155 0.5062
hank pym has_movement slow POSITIVE 0.5027 0.5119 0.5027
hank pym hate the starks POSITIVE 0.4897 0.4987 0.7262
hank pym has_property awesome POSITIVE 0.4844 0.4933 0.4844
hank pym has_trait sweet POSITIVE 0.4621 0.4706 0.4621
hank pym has_property zero rated POSITIVE 0.4483 0.4565 0.4483
hank pym has_property sick POSITIVE 0.4221 0.4299 0.4221
hank pym has_property aged POSITIVE 0.4187 0.4264 0.4187
hank pym has_property lego POSITIVE 0.4130 0.4206 0.5306
hank pym be mad at scott POSITIVE 0.4071 0.4146 1.0000
hank pym has_property autistic POSITIVE 0.4048 0.4123 0.4048
hank pym has_property safe POSITIVE 0.4033 0.4107 0.4033
hank pym has_time young POSITIVE 0.3955 0.4028 0.3955
hank pym has_property accurate POSITIVE 0.3893 0.3965 0.3893
hank pym has_property amazon POSITIVE 0.3882 0.3954 0.3882
hank pym has_weight skinny POSITIVE 0.3804 0.3874 0.3804