Quasimodo contains 75 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
heather go brown POSITIVE 0.9088 0.9093 0.9135
heather has_property evergreen POSITIVE 0.7180 0.7185 0.7181
heather want to become friends with melinda POSITIVE 0.6251 0.6254 1.0000
heather has_property thomson's son POSITIVE 0.6070 0.6074 1.0000
heather has_diet vegan POSITIVE 0.5940 0.5944 0.5940
heather has_trait quiet POSITIVE 0.5771 0.5774 0.5771
heather be no longer on garage squad POSITIVE 0.5628 0.5631 1.0000
heather has_property small POSITIVE 0.5318 0.5321 0.5318
heather has_property musical different from movie POSITIVE 0.5078 0.5081 1.0000
heather feel about whitney dating buddy POSITIVE 0.4711 0.4714 1.0000
heather get voted off in total drama island POSITIVE 0.4563 0.4566 1.0000
heather die in grey's anatomy POSITIVE 0.4362 0.4365 0.5831
heather come to melinda's house POSITIVE 0.4117 0.4119 1.0000
heather has_property unable to speak in POSITIVE 0.4030 0.4033 1.0000
heather die in black christmas POSITIVE 0.4019 0.4022 1.0000
heather has_property in the film triangle POSITIVE 0.3869 0.3871 1.0000
heather say holla POSITIVE 0.3508 0.3510 1.0000
heather be banned in the us POSITIVE 0.3315 0.3317 0.3420
heather be no longer a housewife POSITIVE 0.3281 0.3283 1.0000
heather get voted off of total drama action POSITIVE 0.3257 0.3259 1.0000