Quasimodo contains 97 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
hemisphere be different from sphere POSITIVE 0.7985 0.8194 1.0000
hemisphere affect seasons POSITIVE 0.6283 0.6448 0.8578
hemisphere be different from a sphere POSITIVE 0.6196 0.6358 0.8922
hemisphere has_time yet POSITIVE 0.6063 0.6221 0.6063
hemisphere has_manner hard POSITIVE 0.6026 0.6183 0.6026
hemisphere has_property visible POSITIVE 0.5942 0.6097 0.5942
hemisphere have opposite seasons some[subj/two] POSITIVE 0.5921 0.6076 1.0000
hemisphere have different seasons some[subj/different] POSITIVE 0.5872 0.6025 0.9810
hemisphere affect constellations some[subj/seasons and] POSITIVE 0.5828 0.5981 0.7466
hemisphere has_property kl POSITIVE 0.5072 0.5204 0.5072
hemisphere has_property high POSITIVE 0.4855 0.4982 0.4855
hemisphere has_diet vegetarian POSITIVE 0.4258 0.4369 0.4258
hemisphere has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.4085 0.4192 0.4085
hemisphere has_property bad POSITIVE 0.3891 0.3993 0.3891
hemisphere has_property zero POSITIVE 0.3460 0.3550 0.3460
hemisphere has_trait nice POSITIVE 0.3438 0.3528 0.3438
hemisphere has_diet vegan POSITIVE 0.3259 0.3344 0.3259
hemisphere has_movement zip POSITIVE 0.2732 0.2803 0.2732
hemisphere has_trait good POSITIVE 0.2666 0.2736 0.2666
hemisphere has_property work POSITIVE 0.2549 0.2615 0.2549