Quasimodo contains 25 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
huntsville has_trait liberal POSITIVE 0.8055 1.0000 0.8086
huntsville be for a young professional POSITIVE 0.6571 0.8157 1.0000
huntsville has_place down POSITIVE 0.5375 0.6673 0.5375
huntsville has_property jobs POSITIVE 0.5169 0.6417 0.5169
huntsville has_property utah POSITIVE 0.4837 0.6005 0.4837
huntsville has_property texas POSITIVE 0.4696 0.5830 0.4696
huntsville has_property ontario POSITIVE 0.4407 0.5472 0.4408
huntsville be better than madison POSITIVE 0.4403 0.5466 1.0000
huntsville has_property ohio POSITIVE 0.4125 0.5121 0.4125
huntsville has_property kentucky POSITIVE 0.4090 0.5077 0.4090
huntsville has_property alabama POSITIVE 0.4088 0.5075 0.5125
huntsville has_property a good place to live POSITIVE 0.2777 0.3448 0.2885
huntsville has_property missouri POSITIVE 0.2623 0.3256 0.3242
huntsville has_property economy POSITIVE 0.2531 0.3143 0.2531
huntsville has_property arkansas POSITIVE 0.2523 0.3132 0.2831
huntsville be called rocket city POSITIVE 0.1909 0.2370 1.0000
huntsville has_property weather POSITIVE 0.1702 0.2113 0.1702
huntsville has_property al POSITIVE 0.1236 0.1534 0.1236
huntsville has_property tx POSITIVE 0.1200 0.1490 0.1200
huntsville has_property al international airport POSITIVE 0.0260 0.0323 1.0000