Quasimodo contains 305 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
import has_property important to a country POSITIVE 0.9448 0.9449 0.9668
import has_property bmw POSITIVE 0.9262 0.9262 0.9262
import affect a country's economy POSITIVE 0.9199 0.9200 1.0000
import has_property to POSITIVE 0.8869 0.8869 0.8869
import impact the economy of a place POSITIVE 0.8828 0.8829 1.0000
import has_place up POSITIVE 0.8665 0.8665 0.8665
import has_property important for a country POSITIVE 0.8630 0.8630 0.8987
import affect economy TBC[australian economy], TBC[economy of country] POSITIVE 0.8523 0.8523 0.8556
import be subtracted from gdp POSITIVE 0.8506 0.8506 1.0000
import has_place away POSITIVE 0.8411 0.8411 0.8411
import has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.8307 0.8307 0.8307
import have a negative relationship with gdp POSITIVE 0.8304 0.8304 1.0000
import depend on one another POSITIVE 0.8112 0.8113 0.9095
import affect australian economy POSITIVE 0.8068 0.8068 1.0000
import has_property bad some[subj/static] POSITIVE 0.7747 0.7747 0.7747
import has_property available POSITIVE 0.7720 0.7720 0.7720
import affect economic growth POSITIVE 0.7709 0.7710 0.8509
import has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.7696 0.7696 0.7696
import has_time older POSITIVE 0.7597 0.7597 0.7597
import has_property good for the economy POSITIVE 0.7583 0.7583 0.7690