Quasimodo contains 301 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
kennedy space center be located in florida POSITIVE 0.8804 1.0000 0.9672
kennedy space center be in florida POSITIVE 0.8447 0.9595 0.8448
kennedy space center be created first POSITIVE 0.8216 0.9333 1.0000
kennedy space center has_property ms POSITIVE 0.6874 0.7808 0.6874
kennedy space center has_place on POSITIVE 0.6106 0.6936 0.6106
kennedy space center has_property oh POSITIVE 0.6001 0.6817 0.6001
kennedy space center be important to florida POSITIVE 0.5870 0.6667 0.6047
kennedy space center has_property ncaa POSITIVE 0.5750 0.6532 0.5750
kennedy space center has_property ignite POSITIVE 0.5458 0.6200 0.5458
kennedy space center has_property european POSITIVE 0.5388 0.6121 0.5388
kennedy space center has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.5332 0.6057 0.5332
kennedy space center has_property equestrian POSITIVE 0.5250 0.5963 0.5250
kennedy space center has_property ukraine POSITIVE 0.5181 0.5885 0.5181
kennedy space center has_property fbi POSITIVE 0.5084 0.5775 0.5084
kennedy space center has_property aqua POSITIVE 0.5075 0.5764 0.5075
kennedy space center has_property aquaculture POSITIVE 0.4936 0.5607 0.4936
kennedy space center has_property psychological POSITIVE 0.4917 0.5585 0.4917
kennedy space center has_property illinois POSITIVE 0.4901 0.5566 0.4901
kennedy space center has_property cfo POSITIVE 0.4870 0.5532 0.4870
kennedy space center has_property uk POSITIVE 0.4790 0.5441 0.4790