Quasimodo contains 119 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
kobe beef be raised in japan POSITIVE 0.9289 0.9289 1.0000
kobe beef be banned in the us POSITIVE 0.8770 0.8770 0.9048
kobe beef be served in japan POSITIVE 0.8635 0.8635 1.0000
kobe beef be called kobe POSITIVE 0.8583 0.8583 1.0000
kobe beef has_property steak POSITIVE 0.8490 0.8490 1.0000
kobe beef has_property t bone POSITIVE 0.7389 0.7389 0.7390
kobe beef has_property special TBC[so special] POSITIVE 0.7197 0.7197 0.7197
kobe beef has_property expensive TBC[so expensive], TBC[more expensive] POSITIVE 0.7060 0.7060 0.7060
kobe beef has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.6898 0.6898 0.6898
kobe beef has_property rare TBC[so rare], TBC[so expensive] POSITIVE 0.6634 0.6634 0.6635
kobe beef has_property illegal in the us POSITIVE 0.6272 0.6272 0.6490
kobe beef has_property european POSITIVE 0.6139 0.6139 0.6139
kobe beef look different POSITIVE 0.6112 0.6113 0.6128
kobe beef has_property szechuan POSITIVE 0.5924 0.5924 0.5924
kobe beef has_property goulash POSITIVE 0.5897 0.5898 0.8851
kobe beef be raised inhumane POSITIVE 0.5726 0.5726 1.0000
kobe beef has_trait strong POSITIVE 0.5407 0.5408 0.5408
kobe beef be illegal in america POSITIVE 0.5287 0.5287 0.5289
kobe beef has_property small POSITIVE 0.5104 0.5104 0.5104
kobe beef turn yellow POSITIVE 0.4989 0.4989 0.4989