Quasimodo contains 13 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
lack of money cause stress POSITIVE 0.7664 0.7985 0.7820
lack of money has_property necessary POSITIVE 0.7210 0.7512 0.7210
lack of money has_property bad POSITIVE 0.7176 0.7476 0.7176
lack of money has_trait good POSITIVE 0.7067 0.7363 0.7067
lack of money has_manner better POSITIVE 0.6860 0.7147 0.6860
lack of money affect families POSITIVE 0.5983 0.6233 0.7532
lack of money has_property legal POSITIVE 0.5873 0.6119 0.5873
lack of money cause poverty POSITIVE 0.5456 0.5685 0.5673
lack of money has_property value POSITIVE 0.5408 0.5634 0.5408
lack of money affect a marriage POSITIVE 0.5074 0.5287 0.5199
lack of money has_property synonym POSITIVE 0.4823 0.5025 0.4823
lack of money affect health POSITIVE 0.3856 0.4017 0.3896
lack of money affect education POSITIVE 0.3382 0.3524 0.3402