Quasimodo contains 69 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
larry get married POSITIVE 0.7674 0.8182 0.7674
larry live in la POSITIVE 0.7627 0.8132 0.8042
larry look like a turtle POSITIVE 0.7396 0.7886 1.0000
larry be in la POSITIVE 0.5902 0.6293 0.5911
larry has_property happy always, TBC[always happy], TBC[so happy] POSITIVE 0.5684 0.6060 0.5684
larry has_color black POSITIVE 0.5412 0.5770 0.5412
larry has_property king's health POSITIVE 0.4631 0.4938 1.0000
larry has_property real POSITIVE 0.4525 0.4825 0.4525
larry has_property miller POSITIVE 0.4247 0.4528 0.4705
larry live in california POSITIVE 0.3880 0.4137 0.3880
larry has_property insult POSITIVE 0.3460 0.3689 0.3681
larry be a nick name for lawrence POSITIVE 0.3329 0.3550 1.0000
larry have problems some[subj/teresa and] POSITIVE 0.3098 0.3303 0.3734
larry has_property hoover POSITIVE 0.3085 0.3290 0.3413
larry have 1 wobble POSITIVE 0.3043 0.3245 1.0000
larry has_property fitzgerald POSITIVE 0.2930 0.3124 0.4896
larry have one wobble POSITIVE 0.2888 0.3079 1.0000
larry has_property mexican POSITIVE 0.2857 0.3046 0.3010
larry be in california POSITIVE 0.2648 0.2823 0.2648
larry has_property bird's health POSITIVE 0.2624 0.2797 1.0000