Quasimodo contains 126 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
lecithin remove plaque from the arteries POSITIVE 0.9345 1.0000 1.0000
lecithin help the liver POSITIVE 0.8650 0.9257 0.9115
lecithin be used as an emulsifier in processed food POSITIVE 0.7351 0.7866 1.0000
lecithin produce more ejaculate POSITIVE 0.7166 0.7668 1.0000
lecithin has_place up POSITIVE 0.7038 0.7531 0.7038
lecithin has_property small POSITIVE 0.7003 0.7494 0.7003
lecithin has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.6952 0.7439 0.6952
lecithin has_property normal POSITIVE 0.6895 0.7378 0.6895
lecithin has_movement slow POSITIVE 0.6805 0.7282 0.6805
lecithin be used in some food products POSITIVE 0.6797 0.7274 1.0000
lecithin has_property axial POSITIVE 0.6761 0.7236 0.6762
lecithin has_trait sweet POSITIVE 0.6686 0.7155 0.6686
lecithin has_property azerbaijan POSITIVE 0.6628 0.7093 0.6628
lecithin has_property aqueous POSITIVE 0.6616 0.7080 0.6616
lecithin has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.6574 0.7035 0.6574
lecithin has_property separate POSITIVE 0.6534 0.6993 0.6875
lecithin be used in food POSITIVE 0.6474 0.6928 0.6662
lecithin affect body POSITIVE 0.6205 0.6640 0.6232
lecithin has_property safe POSITIVE 0.6198 0.6633 0.6198
lecithin has_property ok POSITIVE 0.6192 0.6626 0.6192