Quasimodo contains 111 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
leptospirosis be treated in humans POSITIVE 0.8192 1.0000 1.0000
leptospirosis be treated in animals POSITIVE 0.7923 0.9673 1.0000
leptospirosis be transmitted in animals POSITIVE 0.7787 0.9506 1.0000
leptospirosis spread from dogs to humans POSITIVE 0.7512 0.9171 0.8607
leptospirosis be transmitted to humans POSITIVE 0.6976 0.8516 0.7772
leptospirosis affect humans POSITIVE 0.6922 0.8450 0.7017
leptospirosis be spread in animals POSITIVE 0.6883 0.8402 1.0000
leptospirosis be treated in dogs POSITIVE 0.6229 0.7604 0.7823
leptospirosis has_property legal POSITIVE 0.6106 0.7454 0.6106
leptospirosis be spread to humans POSITIVE 0.6102 0.7449 0.8339
leptospirosis be spread from dogs to humans POSITIVE 0.5890 0.7190 1.0000
leptospirosis has_time young POSITIVE 0.5865 0.7160 0.5865
leptospirosis affect the eyes POSITIVE 0.5627 0.6869 0.5650
leptospirosis be transmitted from animals TBC[animals to humans] POSITIVE 0.5559 0.6786 0.9427
leptospirosis be diagnosed in humans POSITIVE 0.5504 0.6719 0.7464
leptospirosis affect human body POSITIVE 0.5378 0.6565 0.5731
leptospirosis has_property contagious POSITIVE 0.5362 0.6546 0.5362
leptospirosis be transmitted from dogs to humans POSITIVE 0.4965 0.6061 0.8247
leptospirosis has_property notifiable POSITIVE 0.4926 0.6013 0.8922
leptospirosis has_property zen POSITIVE 0.4878 0.5955 0.4878