Quasimodo contains 429 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
link has_color blue always, TBC[always blue] POSITIVE 0.9853 0.9853 0.9853
link has_property to POSITIVE 0.9840 0.9840 0.9840
link has_property effective POSITIVE 0.9156 0.9156 0.9156
link be in blue POSITIVE 0.9142 0.9142 0.9209
link has_property uganda POSITIVE 0.9125 0.9125 0.9125
link has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.9082 0.9082 0.9082
link has_property oops POSITIVE 0.9019 0.9019 0.9019
link has_property ogden POSITIVE 0.8987 0.8987 0.8987
link has_property between POSITIVE 0.8893 0.8893 0.8893
link has_property obelisk POSITIVE 0.8845 0.8845 0.8984
link has_property to the past POSITIVE 0.8836 0.8836 1.0000
link has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.8798 0.8798 0.8798
link wear green POSITIVE 0.8790 0.8790 0.8858
link has_property oxford POSITIVE 0.8769 0.8769 0.8769
link has_property average POSITIVE 0.8760 0.8760 0.8760
link wear blue TBC[blue in breath of wild] POSITIVE 0.8743 0.8743 0.8743
link has_property disabled TBC[too previous disabled] POSITIVE 0.8618 0.8618 0.8618
link has_property mnemonic POSITIVE 0.8597 0.8597 0.8597
link has_property uk POSITIVE 0.8445 0.8445 0.8445
link has_trait odd POSITIVE 0.8444 0.8444 0.8444