Quasimodo contains 59 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
long sentence has_property effective POSITIVE 0.8437 1.0000 0.8437
long sentence create tension POSITIVE 0.7827 0.9277 0.7890
long sentence has_property bad POSITIVE 0.7737 0.9170 0.7737
long sentence be used in writing POSITIVE 0.7442 0.8820 0.7599
long sentence has_movement slower POSITIVE 0.7398 0.8768 0.7599
long sentence has_manner hard POSITIVE 0.7078 0.8389 0.7078
long sentence has_trait sweet POSITIVE 0.6970 0.8260 0.6970
long sentence has_property sick POSITIVE 0.6798 0.8057 0.6798
long sentence has_property spanish POSITIVE 0.6756 0.8008 0.6757
long sentence has_property have POSITIVE 0.6752 0.8003 0.6752
long sentence has_property similar POSITIVE 0.6563 0.7778 0.6563
long sentence has_property same POSITIVE 0.6124 0.7258 0.6124
long sentence has_property zero POSITIVE 0.6081 0.7207 0.6081
long sentence has_trait sensitive POSITIVE 0.6061 0.7184 0.6061
long sentence has_trait serious POSITIVE 0.6055 0.7176 0.6055
long sentence has_trait simple POSITIVE 0.6043 0.7162 0.6043
long sentence has_property safe POSITIVE 0.5940 0.7039 0.5940
long sentence has_property small POSITIVE 0.5923 0.7020 0.5923
long sentence has_property different POSITIVE 0.5877 0.6965 0.5877
long sentence has_property scary POSITIVE 0.5832 0.6912 0.5832