Quasimodo contains 344 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
loop work in c POSITIVE 0.9946 1.0000 1.0000
loop work in r POSITIVE 0.9670 0.9723 1.0000
loop has_property bad some[subj/nested], some[subj/infinite], some[subj/do while], some[subj/combinational] POSITIVE 0.9431 0.9482 0.9431
loop has_property ionic POSITIVE 0.9343 0.9394 0.9343
loop has_property on the back of shirts POSITIVE 0.9317 0.9368 1.0000
loop has_property is important POSITIVE 0.9092 0.9142 0.9167
loop has_place away POSITIVE 0.8939 0.8988 0.8939
loop has_place up POSITIVE 0.8694 0.8741 0.8694
loop has_property on the back of men's shirts POSITIVE 0.8671 0.8718 1.0000
loop need to be sterilized POSITIVE 0.8649 0.8697 0.9073
loop has_property amazon POSITIVE 0.8572 0.8619 0.8572
loop has_property mnemonic POSITIVE 0.8540 0.8586 0.8540
loop work in java some[subj/nested], some[subj/for] POSITIVE 0.8432 0.8478 1.0000
loop has_property crossword POSITIVE 0.8394 0.8440 0.8394
loop has_property on the back of shoes POSITIVE 0.8390 0.8435 1.0000
loop has_property typical POSITIVE 0.8179 0.8224 0.8179
loop has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.8055 0.8099 0.8055
loop has_property upside down POSITIVE 0.7968 0.8012 0.7968
loop has_property macro POSITIVE 0.7957 0.8001 0.7958
loop be used in programming TBC[visual basic programming] POSITIVE 0.7949 0.7992 0.9997