Quasimodo contains 100 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
mentor has_property different from a coach POSITIVE 0.8806 1.0000 1.0000
mentor make money some[subj/millionaire] POSITIVE 0.8295 0.9420 0.8295
mentor be important in nursing POSITIVE 0.7538 0.8559 0.8222
mentor need effective communication skills POSITIVE 0.7349 0.8345 1.0000
mentor benefit from the mentor-mentee relationship POSITIVE 0.7294 0.8283 1.0000
mentor has_property beneficial some[subj/being] POSITIVE 0.7112 0.8076 0.7112
mentor benefit from mentoring POSITIVE 0.7007 0.7956 1.0000
mentor get paid POSITIVE 0.6750 0.7665 0.6750
mentor has_property ohio POSITIVE 0.6722 0.7633 0.6722
mentor has_time yet POSITIVE 0.6532 0.7417 0.6532
mentor can help one's career POSITIVE 0.6511 0.7394 1.0000
mentor be identified for the role POSITIVE 0.5899 0.6699 1.0000
mentor has_property to harry potter POSITIVE 0.5788 0.6573 1.0000
mentor has_property online POSITIVE 0.5749 0.6528 0.5749
mentor need good communication skills POSITIVE 0.5571 0.6327 0.6025
mentor has_trait helpful POSITIVE 0.5458 0.6198 0.5458
mentor has_property iphone POSITIVE 0.5019 0.5700 0.5019
mentor be to beowulf some[subj/hrothgar] POSITIVE 0.4833 0.5488 1.0000
mentor has_property awesome POSITIVE 0.4762 0.5408 0.4762
mentor be important in business POSITIVE 0.4710 0.5348 0.4764