Quasimodo contains 97 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
miller hate quiet POSITIVE 0.8988 0.9292 1.0000
miller be attracted to light POSITIVE 0.7238 0.7482 0.7238
miller explain what really motivated POSITIVE 0.7051 0.7290 1.0000
miller serve lettuce POSITIVE 0.6207 0.6416 0.6207
miller make danforth's actions believable POSITIVE 0.5518 0.5704 1.0000
miller connect himself POSITIVE 0.5424 0.5607 1.0000
miller feel about the puritans POSITIVE 0.5089 0.5261 1.0000
miller see tragedy POSITIVE 0.4780 0.4942 1.0000
miller add italics to the word confess POSITIVE 0.4778 0.4939 1.0000
miller be called the champagne of beers POSITIVE 0.4721 0.4881 1.0000
miller use word ingratiating POSITIVE 0.4582 0.4737 1.0000
miller include these details POSITIVE 0.4453 0.4603 0.5218
miller develop meaning of magic POSITIVE 0.4406 0.4555 1.0000
miller redefine tragic flaw POSITIVE 0.4214 0.4357 1.0000
miller has_property beer POSITIVE 0.4012 0.4147 0.4012
miller visually introduce the motif of enclosed versus open spaces in death of a salesman POSITIVE 0.3694 0.3818 1.0000
miller explain theocracy POSITIVE 0.3546 0.3666 1.0000
miller be outdoor theater on the 4th POSITIVE 0.3238 0.3348 1.0000
miller be in a cam spot POSITIVE 0.3164 0.3271 1.0000
miller use the characters ' names as symbols POSITIVE 0.2802 0.2897 1.0000