Quasimodo contains 146 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
multiple has_property different some[subj/factors and] POSITIVE 0.9821 1.0000 0.9821
multiple has_property mvp POSITIVE 0.8876 0.9038 0.8876
multiple has_property alike some[subj/common] POSITIVE 0.8717 0.8876 0.8762
multiple be used to replace other single function gates POSITIVE 0.8497 0.8652 1.0000
multiple has_property similar some[subj/factors and] POSITIVE 0.8043 0.8189 0.8043
multiple work in betting POSITIVE 0.7576 0.7714 0.8912
multiple has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.7466 0.7602 0.7466
multiple has_property uk POSITIVE 0.7132 0.7262 0.7132
multiple has_property erode POSITIVE 0.6890 0.7015 0.7554
multiple has_property cirrhosis POSITIVE 0.6773 0.6896 0.7367
multiple has_property czech POSITIVE 0.6727 0.6850 0.6727
multiple has_property awnings POSITIVE 0.6675 0.6797 1.0000
multiple has_property ajax POSITIVE 0.6517 0.6635 0.6517
multiple has_property cpu POSITIVE 0.6136 0.6248 0.6136
multiple be used in real life POSITIVE 0.6086 0.6197 0.6615
multiple has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.5915 0.6023 0.5915
multiple has_property myeloma treatment POSITIVE 0.5795 0.5901 1.0000
multiple has_property endocrine POSITIVE 0.5717 0.5821 0.8543
multiple has_property online POSITIVE 0.5569 0.5670 0.5569
multiple has_property ethical POSITIVE 0.5381 0.5479 0.5381