Quasimodo contains 121 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
nafta be good for mexico POSITIVE 0.9297 0.9955 1.0000
nafta pay for the wall POSITIVE 0.9024 0.9662 0.9024
nafta has_property good for the us POSITIVE 0.8763 0.9382 1.0000
nafta be affected by the cartel POSITIVE 0.8471 0.9070 1.0000
nafta hurt mexico POSITIVE 0.8468 0.9067 1.0000
nafta help canada POSITIVE 0.8208 0.8789 1.0000
nafta define made in the u.s.a POSITIVE 0.8154 0.8731 1.0000
nafta need to be updated POSITIVE 0.8146 0.8722 0.8254
nafta be bad for mexico POSITIVE 0.8114 0.8688 1.0000
nafta affect mexico POSITIVE 0.8049 0.8618 1.0000
nafta has_property similar to the european union POSITIVE 0.7281 0.7796 1.0000
nafta create jobs in canada POSITIVE 0.6728 0.7204 1.0000
nafta be important to canada POSITIVE 0.6706 0.7181 0.6758
nafta has_property bad for the us POSITIVE 0.6659 0.7129 1.0000
nafta be calculated zero POSITIVE 0.6419 0.6873 0.6771
nafta affect world POSITIVE 0.6153 0.6589 0.6387
nafta contribute to globalization POSITIVE 0.6108 0.6539 0.6928
nafta create jobs POSITIVE 0.6077 0.6507 0.6438
nafta be good for canada POSITIVE 0.5985 0.6408 0.9837
nafta has_trait good POSITIVE 0.5956 0.6377 0.5956