Quasimodo contains 193 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
nhl team make the playoffs POSITIVE 0.9557 0.9557 0.9876
nhl team share an arena POSITIVE 0.8493 0.8493 1.0000
nhl team wear purple POSITIVE 0.8219 0.8219 0.8220
nhl team know when to change lines POSITIVE 0.8100 0.8100 1.0000
nhl team has_property smaller POSITIVE 0.7706 0.7706 0.7706
nhl team has_property sick POSITIVE 0.7606 0.7606 0.7606
nhl team has_trait popular POSITIVE 0.7574 0.7574 0.7574
nhl team decide which jersey to wear POSITIVE 0.7562 0.7562 0.9900
nhl team has_property snooker POSITIVE 0.7559 0.7559 0.7559
nhl team has_movement slow POSITIVE 0.7399 0.7399 0.7399
nhl team has_property wrong POSITIVE 0.7381 0.7381 0.7381
nhl team get into the playoffs POSITIVE 0.7106 0.7106 0.7324
nhl team have alternate jerseys POSITIVE 0.7093 0.7094 0.7401
nhl team has_property hydrated POSITIVE 0.7056 0.7056 0.7056
nhl team has_property single POSITIVE 0.7015 0.7016 0.7015
nhl team has_property irish POSITIVE 0.6866 0.6866 0.6866
nhl team change lines TBC[when change] POSITIVE 0.6857 0.6858 0.8365
nhl team put players on waivers POSITIVE 0.6854 0.6855 0.9431
nhl team has_property due POSITIVE 0.6817 0.6817 0.6817
nhl team has_temperature warm TBC[warm up] POSITIVE 0.6794 0.6794 0.6794