Quasimodo contains 74 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
online shopping benefit the economy POSITIVE 0.7362 0.7462 0.7706
online shopping affect the environment POSITIVE 0.6988 0.7084 0.7057
online shopping help the environment POSITIVE 0.5833 0.5913 0.5902
online shopping affect retail stores POSITIVE 0.5807 0.5886 1.0000
online shopping affect small businesses POSITIVE 0.5633 0.5710 0.8526
online shopping affect the consumer POSITIVE 0.5371 0.5444 1.0000
online shopping help the economy POSITIVE 0.5303 0.5375 0.5366
online shopping get more popular POSITIVE 0.5158 0.5228 1.0000
online shopping affect local businesses POSITIVE 0.4709 0.4773 1.0000
online shopping can improve sales POSITIVE 0.4189 0.4246 1.0000
online shopping be in stores similar POSITIVE 0.4135 0.4191 1.0000
online shopping save money POSITIVE 0.3934 0.3988 0.3936
online shopping has_property bbc POSITIVE 0.3914 0.3967 0.3914
online shopping has_manner better POSITIVE 0.3823 0.3875 0.3823
online shopping affect economy POSITIVE 0.3818 0.3870 0.3833
online shopping affect society POSITIVE 0.3700 0.3750 0.3735
online shopping be bad in canada POSITIVE 0.3609 0.3658 1.0000
online shopping has_property bmw POSITIVE 0.3042 0.3083 0.3042
online shopping very is slow POSITIVE 0.2934 0.2974 0.3088
online shopping very is popular POSITIVE 0.2920 0.2960 1.0000