Quasimodo contains 210 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
penn state has_property the best POSITIVE 0.9377 0.9377 0.9437
penn state be ranked in football POSITIVE 0.8607 0.8607 1.0000
penn state has_property good school POSITIVE 0.8234 0.8234 0.9303
penn state do out white POSITIVE 0.8151 0.8151 1.0000
penn state have out a white POSITIVE 0.7939 0.7939 1.0000
penn state has_property ncaa POSITIVE 0.7511 0.7511 0.7511
penn state has_property university POSITIVE 0.7321 0.7321 0.7321
penn state use the cloud POSITIVE 0.7037 0.7037 1.0000
penn state have white out POSITIVE 0.6935 0.6936 1.0000
penn state have two law schools POSITIVE 0.6726 0.6726 1.0000
penn state has_property in the middle of nowhere POSITIVE 0.6700 0.6700 0.7743
penn state wear black cleats POSITIVE 0.6337 0.6337 1.0000
penn state has_property ultra POSITIVE 0.6270 0.6270 0.6270
penn state have numbers on helmets POSITIVE 0.6270 0.6270 0.6744
penn state be in white TBC[all white] POSITIVE 0.6234 0.6234 0.6278
penn state has_property nyc POSITIVE 0.6156 0.6156 0.6156
penn state have names on jerseys POSITIVE 0.6137 0.6137 0.6137
penn state has_property czech POSITIVE 0.6103 0.6103 0.6103
penn state has_property ranked academically POSITIVE 0.6052 0.6052 1.0000
penn state have two bye weeks POSITIVE 0.5916 0.5916 0.6930