Quasimodo contains 118 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
pickup truck has_property higher in the back POSITIVE 0.9690 1.0000 0.9937
pickup truck has_property the best POSITIVE 0.9523 0.9827 0.9584
pickup truck has_property cheap TBC[so cheap] POSITIVE 0.9257 0.9553 0.9257
pickup truck keep getting bigger POSITIVE 0.9236 0.9532 0.9389
pickup truck has_trait popular TBC[so popular] POSITIVE 0.9161 0.9454 0.9161
pickup truck has_property expensive TBC[so expensive], TBC[so expensive now], some[subj/new], some[subj/used] POSITIVE 0.8964 0.9251 0.8964
pickup truck handle in the snow POSITIVE 0.8746 0.9025 0.9531
pickup truck have antennas still POSITIVE 0.8643 0.8920 0.8643
pickup truck has_property symbolic POSITIVE 0.8642 0.8918 0.8642
pickup truck be better than cars POSITIVE 0.8571 0.8844 0.9034
pickup truck hold value POSITIVE 0.8294 0.8559 0.8294
pickup truck has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.8208 0.8471 0.8208
pickup truck has_property sgt POSITIVE 0.8174 0.8436 0.8174
pickup truck has_property skateboard POSITIVE 0.8151 0.8411 0.9072
pickup truck has_property seattle POSITIVE 0.8139 0.8399 0.8320
pickup truck have different license plates POSITIVE 0.8124 0.8383 1.0000
pickup truck has_property scary POSITIVE 0.8106 0.8365 0.8106
pickup truck has_property scotland POSITIVE 0.8066 0.8324 0.8180
pickup truck has_property similar POSITIVE 0.8045 0.8302 0.8045
pickup truck be in snow POSITIVE 0.8021 0.8277 0.8384