Quasimodo contains 670 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
pokemon has_color black TBC[black so hard], TBC[black so expensive], TBC[black better] POSITIVE 0.9910 0.9910 0.9910
pokemon has_property game some[subj/two], some[subj/always two], always, TBC[always games], some[subj/the new], TBC[best game ever], TBC[good game], TBC[abroad such unique game], TBC[such unique game] POSITIVE 0.9894 0.9894 0.9894
pokemon has_color yellow POSITIVE 0.9579 0.9579 0.9579
pokemon be expensive black POSITIVE 0.9510 0.9510 1.0000
pokemon keep running away POSITIVE 0.9500 0.9500 1.0000
pokemon has_trait popular TBC[so popular], still, TBC[still popular], TBC[still so popular], TBC[so addictive], TBC[so popular here], TBC[still around], TBC[consistently so popular] POSITIVE 0.9427 0.9427 0.9427
pokemon run away always POSITIVE 0.9420 0.9420 0.9420
pokemon go gym work POSITIVE 0.9383 0.9383 1.0000
pokemon has_trait cute POSITIVE 0.9358 0.9358 0.9359
pokemon has_color white TBC[white so expensive], TBC[white so hard], TBC[white so popular], TBC[white so cheap] POSITIVE 0.9350 0.9350 0.9350
pokemon has_property small TBC[so small] POSITIVE 0.9238 0.9238 0.9238
pokemon go iv work POSITIVE 0.9198 0.9198 1.0000
pokemon be go popular TBC[so popular] POSITIVE 0.9077 0.9077 1.0000
pokemon go use augmented reality POSITIVE 0.8938 0.8938 1.0000
pokemon has_property different some[subj/alol] POSITIVE 0.8934 0.8934 0.8934
pokemon be hard black POSITIVE 0.8807 0.8807 1.0000
pokemon go walking POSITIVE 0.8744 0.8744 1.0000
pokemon go battle work TBC[battle ranking work] POSITIVE 0.8597 0.8597 1.0000
pokemon go keep crashing on ipad POSITIVE 0.8595 0.8595 1.0000
pokemon fight each other POSITIVE 0.8543 0.8543 0.8543