Quasimodo contains 72 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
progressive tax has_property the best POSITIVE 0.9261 0.9264 0.9321
progressive tax has_trait fair POSITIVE 0.8184 0.8186 0.8184
progressive tax has_property different POSITIVE 0.7758 0.7760 0.7758
progressive tax has_property mvp POSITIVE 0.7484 0.7486 0.7484
progressive tax has_property deductible POSITIVE 0.7398 0.7401 0.7398
progressive tax has_property legal POSITIVE 0.7262 0.7265 0.7262
progressive tax affect poor some[subj/progressive and regressive taxes affect the poo] POSITIVE 0.7067 0.7069 0.8452
progressive tax has_trait good POSITIVE 0.7016 0.7019 0.7016
progressive tax has_property wrong POSITIVE 0.6966 0.6968 0.6966
progressive tax has_property myself POSITIVE 0.6929 0.6931 0.6929
progressive tax has_property valuable POSITIVE 0.6921 0.6924 0.6921
progressive tax affect the economy POSITIVE 0.6839 0.6841 0.7004
progressive tax has_property due POSITIVE 0.6789 0.6791 0.6789
progressive tax has_property mri POSITIVE 0.6786 0.6788 0.6786
progressive tax has_property mba POSITIVE 0.6552 0.6554 0.6552
progressive tax has_property zero calculated POSITIVE 0.6532 0.6534 0.7111
progressive tax has_manner better POSITIVE 0.6355 0.6357 0.6355
progressive tax has_property necessary POSITIVE 0.6167 0.6169 0.6167
progressive tax has_property bad POSITIVE 0.6057 0.6059 0.6057
progressive tax has_property know POSITIVE 0.6056 0.6058 0.6164