Quasimodo contains 103 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
proportion has_property useful in calculating dosages of medication POSITIVE 0.8606 1.0000 1.0000
proportion be important in art POSITIVE 0.7698 0.8945 0.8145
proportion be used in geometry POSITIVE 0.7450 0.8657 0.9006
proportion be used in everyday life POSITIVE 0.7448 0.8655 0.7691
proportion be important in geometry POSITIVE 0.7353 0.8544 0.8005
proportion be important in architecture POSITIVE 0.7101 0.8251 0.7465
proportion has_property similar some[subj/ratios and] POSITIVE 0.6908 0.8027 0.6908
proportion has_property different some[subj/ratios and] POSITIVE 0.6854 0.7965 0.6854
proportion has_property important in a design floral design POSITIVE 0.6733 0.7824 1.0000
proportion relate to probability POSITIVE 0.6196 0.7200 0.8285
proportion has_property necessary POSITIVE 0.6041 0.7020 0.6041
proportion has_property normal POSITIVE 0.6003 0.6975 0.6003
proportion relate to creating a realistic sketch POSITIVE 0.5940 0.6903 1.0000
proportion has_property ratio POSITIVE 0.5614 0.6524 0.5614
proportion be important in drawing POSITIVE 0.5580 0.6484 0.6559
proportion has_property illegal POSITIVE 0.5369 0.6239 0.5369
proportion has_property zero POSITIVE 0.5170 0.6008 0.5170
proportion be important in math POSITIVE 0.5140 0.5973 0.5414
proportion be important in engineering POSITIVE 0.5129 0.5960 0.5235
proportion be used in art POSITIVE 0.4974 0.5780 0.5043