Quasimodo contains 364 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
proton pump inhibitor has_property known as POSITIVE 0.9490 0.9654 0.9492
proton pump inhibitor has_property bad POSITIVE 0.9443 0.9605 0.9443
proton pump inhibitor cause dizziness POSITIVE 0.9195 0.9353 1.0000
proton pump inhibitor cause abdominal pain POSITIVE 0.9068 0.9225 1.0000
proton pump inhibitor be taken before meals POSITIVE 0.8984 0.9139 1.0000
proton pump inhibitor has_property high TBC[sept high] POSITIVE 0.8867 0.9020 0.8867
proton pump inhibitor has_place out POSITIVE 0.8517 0.8664 0.8517
proton pump inhibitor be better than h2 antagonists POSITIVE 0.8401 0.8546 1.0000
proton pump inhibitor cause headaches POSITIVE 0.8294 0.8437 0.8404
proton pump inhibitor has_property oily POSITIVE 0.8013 0.8151 0.8013
proton pump inhibitor has_property essential POSITIVE 0.7835 0.7970 0.7835
proton pump inhibitor has_property etc POSITIVE 0.7829 0.7964 0.7829
proton pump inhibitor has_property ipv6 POSITIVE 0.7812 0.7946 0.8354
proton pump inhibitor has_property ideal POSITIVE 0.7703 0.7836 0.7703
proton pump inhibitor has_property hive POSITIVE 0.7661 0.7793 0.8474
proton pump inhibitor work to suppress stomach acid POSITIVE 0.7648 0.7780 1.0000
proton pump inhibitor has_property aqueous POSITIVE 0.7634 0.7766 0.7634
proton pump inhibitor has_property european POSITIVE 0.7611 0.7742 0.7611
proton pump inhibitor has_property mvp POSITIVE 0.7543 0.7673 0.7543
proton pump inhibitor has_property ipv4 POSITIVE 0.7483 0.7612 0.9388