Quasimodo contains 62 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
racer go to the bathroom POSITIVE 0.8073 1.0000 0.8088
racer swerve back POSITIVE 0.7844 0.9717 0.8507
racer turn off traction control POSITIVE 0.7536 0.9336 1.0000
racer start in a rallying usually POSITIVE 0.7368 0.9127 1.0000
racer start in rallying POSITIVE 0.7195 0.8912 1.0000
racer change tires POSITIVE 0.7089 0.8782 1.0000
racer say mexico POSITIVE 0.6830 0.8461 1.0000
racer break away off the front POSITIVE 0.6771 0.8387 1.0000
racer use manual cars POSITIVE 0.6566 0.8134 1.0000
racer steer a luge POSITIVE 0.5719 0.7084 1.0000
racer drink milk POSITIVE 0.5397 0.6686 0.5397
racer wear gloves POSITIVE 0.5246 0.6499 0.5246
racer has_property bad POSITIVE 0.4720 0.5846 0.4720
racer has_place back POSITIVE 0.4643 0.5751 0.4643
racer drink water during the race POSITIVE 0.4447 0.5509 1.0000
racer has_property famous POSITIVE 0.4444 0.5505 nan
racer wear full face POSITIVE 0.3889 0.4818 1.0000
racer has_property work POSITIVE 0.3219 0.3987 0.3219
racer use ski wax POSITIVE 0.3124 0.3870 1.0000
racer be on netflix POSITIVE 0.3109 0.3851 0.3109