Quasimodo contains 68 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
rapport be used in a sentence POSITIVE 0.7919 1.0000 0.7947
rapport has_property important in the workplace POSITIVE 0.7200 0.9091 0.7355
rapport has_property bad POSITIVE 0.5224 0.6597 0.5224
rapport has_property important when dealing with customers POSITIVE 0.5133 0.6482 1.0000
rapport has_property bbc POSITIVE 0.5024 0.6344 0.5024
rapport has_property wrong POSITIVE 0.4971 0.6277 0.4971
rapport has_movement ahead POSITIVE 0.4460 0.5632 0.4460
rapport has_property important in the classroom POSITIVE 0.3993 0.5043 0.4135
rapport has_property accurate POSITIVE 0.3732 0.4713 0.3732
rapport build important in social work POSITIVE 0.3576 0.4516 1.0000
rapport has_property ibm POSITIVE 0.2920 0.3688 0.2920
rapport has_property app POSITIVE 0.2784 0.3515 nan
rapport has_property useful POSITIVE 0.2509 0.3169 0.2509
rapport has_movement agile POSITIVE 0.2467 0.3115 0.2467
rapport has_property aquatic POSITIVE 0.2460 0.3106 0.2460
rapport build important in coaching POSITIVE 0.2411 0.3044 1.0000
rapport be important in research POSITIVE 0.2348 0.2965 0.2478
rapport be important in counseling POSITIVE 0.2243 0.2833 0.3269
rapport be important in nursing POSITIVE 0.2084 0.2632 0.2273
rapport keep disappearing POSITIVE 0.2068 0.2612 0.2165