Quasimodo contains 62 result(s) for your request.

Subject Predicate Object Modality Polarity Plausibility Neighborhood Sigma Local Sigma Inspect
saccharin be used in food POSITIVE 0.7342 1.0000 0.7555
saccharin break down in the body POSITIVE 0.7171 0.9768 0.7408
saccharin be used to sweeten foods POSITIVE 0.6730 0.9167 1.0000
saccharin be in toothpaste POSITIVE 0.5020 0.6837 0.5814
saccharin has_property high POSITIVE 0.4962 0.6759 0.4962
saccharin has_property low POSITIVE 0.4856 0.6614 0.4856
saccharin has_property natural POSITIVE 0.4832 0.6582 0.4832
saccharin be soluble in water POSITIVE 0.4594 0.6257 0.4594
saccharin has_property normal POSITIVE 0.4569 0.6223 0.4569
saccharin has_trait sweet POSITIVE 0.4447 0.6057 0.4447
saccharin has_property made from POSITIVE 0.4381 0.5967 0.4685
saccharin has_diet vegan POSITIVE 0.4341 0.5913 0.4341
saccharin be sweeter than sugar POSITIVE 0.4271 0.5818 0.5545
saccharin has_trait good POSITIVE 0.4160 0.5666 0.4160
saccharin has_effect harmful POSITIVE 0.3946 0.5375 0.3946
saccharin has_diet vegetarian POSITIVE 0.3901 0.5314 0.3901
saccharin has_property effective POSITIVE 0.3820 0.5202 0.3820
saccharin has_property health risks POSITIVE 0.3589 0.4888 1.0000
saccharin has_property legal POSITIVE 0.3418 0.4656 0.3418
saccharin has_trait quiet POSITIVE 0.3418 0.4655 0.3418